all names have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved. (smirk)

Friday, January 15, 2010

gee, thanks.

jack showed up to our son's basketball game tonight with a gap shopping bag and proudly handed it to me.

i opened it to discover 2 pairs of blue school uniform pants in my oldest boy's size.  jack smiled and expressed with deep concern that he had noticed that the knees were worn on our son's uniform pants last time they were together so he wanted to buy him a few new pairs.

wow.  i'm sure this makes up for the fact that he has yet to pay child support.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

oh, my bad...

i guess this week was all about taking charge and working through a few lingering anger issues.

i decided to email my son's tutor (and cc jack) when i received this month's bill and noticed she hadn't been paid since november.  i mentioned that jack and i were in the process of a divorce and he had ceased paying all bills.  i apologized and asked her if we might modify the current tutoring schedule since i wasn't comfortable with her rendering services without payment any longer. etc. etc.  we exchanged a few emails and discussed a plan for paying when jack and i had worked through the finances, each time making sure we continued to cc jack.  of course he declined to join in on any of the communication.

first thing the next morning i had an email from my lawyer who had forwarded a complaint from jack's lawyer.  it read:

it has come to my attention that ms. jack has claimed she has no money to pay her son's tutor.  jack would like her to refrain from sharing information about his financial situation with others.

i laughed out loud.  yep~ i'm sure he doesn't.  perhaps he was a bit embarrassed?  mission accomplished.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

miracle diet

i am wondering if my stomach will ever feel normal again.  it has had to endure a constant state of turmoil for several weeks now and i'm beginning to worry.  my stomach aches every time i think of leaving my kids, gets nauseous any time i look at food, and seems quite content to reside in a state of what can only be described as knotted so tight that i have trouble breathing... and let's not even mention the violent wrenching it experiences whenever i let my mind wander to what jack has been doing or may currently be doing as i write this.  to make matters worse every time i have to see the jackass my stomach jumps ship from it's normal position and makes itself right at home somewhere in my throat while my heart simultaneously beats in hard, piercing pains.

whatever chemical signals hunger to my brain has just stopped even trying to bother... it knows it's not getting through.  i've lost any color in my face, my eyes are red from lack of sleep, and yet the good news in all this is that i've managed to lose that 5 pounds that i've been nagging at since the birth of my last baby. well i've actually lost that 5 plus another 10 i didn't realize that i had to lose.  i don't know if innocent passerby think i'm hooked on meth or just extremely hungover.

one such passerby who clearly hadn't gotten the memo or else couldn't see the gigantic "going through a divorce" sign that seems to be stuck to my forehead complimented me by asking me what i had been doing to lose weight.  she casually laughed as she asked what diet i had been on- she'd love to try it.

i replied... "oh yeah it's a fail proof diet~ it's called 'discovering your husband has been sleeping with prostitutes for the past ten years diet'  it works like a charm.  the weight drops off in record time" a bit shocked she answered, "um, maybe not.  i don't think i want to give that one a try"  yeah i thought, well, neither did i.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

a little devilish...

did some early spring cleaning in our garage today.

we HAD a rather large collection of furniture in there from our last move.  i would anticipate that jack might need the furnishings at some point for his new place.  i took the liberty of doing a bit of 'reorganizing'.  i smiled all day thinking of how i might respond when he opened the garage door the next time.

furniture? what furniture?  oh my, i thought you had come and picked it up.