all names have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved. (smirk)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

i must have done something right

i spent 2 hours shoveling the ice-packed, snowy walkway to my front door today.  jack's generous offer to take out the garbage (which never happened) apparently didn't include shoveling the death trap of a front walk leading to 'the marital property'.  I had been put on notice by the postal service that i was endangering the safety of their deliveryman and all of my kids had fallen at least once trying to rush out the door to school.

it has been 3 weeks since it was last shoveled and i finally gave up the hope that jack was going to step up and do anything about it.  so armed with my snow shovel and ice melter i began chipping away at the layers of ice and snow.  my sweet 8 year old boy was shadowing me as i scraped and dug: asking me if it was too hard or if my arms were getting tired and taking the shovel from me several times to take a turn but always giving up and handing it back because he wasn't quite strong enough to push through the rock hard ice.  i reassured him that just keeping me company was wonderful and such a big help and let him continue to sprinkle the de-icer as i dug.

we finally finished under a dark sky and as we stomped our boots free of snow and entered the front door back into the warm house my little guy said:

'that kinda seems like a job that a dad should do.  i'm going to have to have a talk with dad and let him know that he's not being a gentleman.'

my heart flipped in both elation and sadness.  i fought hard not to cry and gave him the biggest hug i could until he wrestled out of my arms and ran downstairs to play wii.


  1. You have a smart kid - must be from your gene pool! Hang in there - life does get better!

  2. This is insanely good is so real, so you, i love it! i want to keep reading, this last post made me cry, but most of the others were Hilarious! you are so amazingly talented in every way, I'm so glad we finally get a glimpse into that head of your's! if laughing is what it takes to get you through this, we will be right here laughing along with you! xoxoxo

  3. That is so dear! What a guy!

  4. I agree with the previous comment... this is some of the best reading I've had in a long time! I look forward to a new day because it is generally accompanied by a new post. Every entry is completely heart wrenching whether that be in a good way or bad way. I have laughed, cried, and been completely overtaken by emotion while reading. I also agree it's nice to finally get an idea of what is going on in your head... even if it is just a glimpse. This entry made my heart completely melt. You have the cutest little boy in the world. It's amazing how insightful little kids can be. He hit the nail right on the head. Keep sharing because us readers love it! ~i~
