all names have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved. (smirk)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

so i guess we are dating

Just got off the phone with jack who was calling to ask how quickly we could finalize our divorce.  

He's afraid if we prolong it any further it will keep him in limbo and prevent him from dating a respectable woman.  Because, as he put it, any woman that he would want to be in a serious relationship with would need to be respectable and wouldn't be willing to date him unless he was actually divorced, not just separated.

He told me that he was upset that one such respectable woman had canceled a date they had set for 2 days from now when she discovered that his divorce wasn't final.  Clearly not thinking I asked him how he had managed to meet such a RW (respectable woman) so quickly.  He replied:

she was a flight attendant on my last flight who approached me and said 'hey gorgeous'

respectable woman indeed. 


  1. No way!!! This "Jack" sounds like a real class act!

  2. Wow! I dated a flight attendant once. Worst mistake of my life...

  3. Really? Since when has Jack ever cared about dating respectable women? Does he not realize respectable women only date respectable men and that having your divorce finalized does not all of a sudden make you respectable and wash away all the creepy, horrible, filthy things you've done? Good riddance I say!
