all names have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved. (smirk)

Friday, January 1, 2010

houston, we have a problem

I knew the second I hit the send button I had made a mistake.  a carefully scripted, cheery text message sent to my entire address book at exactly 12 AM:

happy new year to all!  here's to a new beginning in 2010. xoxo

yes, jack is still in my address book. shit.

woke up ready for my new beginning this morning to discover 37 missed calls and a new text message.  all from jack.   the call log took several seconds and my eyes bulging from my head to scroll to the bottom of.  the barrage had begun at 5:55AM and had continued every few minutes until he apparently gave up 3 hours later.

can't tell you how pleased I was that I had left my phone in the kitchen when I finally trudged off to bed last night.

the crown jewel to this disaster of course being his text message:
I NEED TO TALK TO YOU.  Call me ASAP.  Why aren't you responding to me?  I can't wait for our new beginning together.

oh lord give me strength.


  1. Pretty good reading..keep them coming!

  2. Haha, that's pretty good.

    It is a very strange feeling, reading something so personal and desperate in so inpersonal a setting as the internet. It's really cool to see what people are willing to share online.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Just happened to Stumble across this. Good luck, hope things get easier. Divorce sucks.
